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Comments: 8
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Apr 4, 2004
Ehehe...by jove, I think you're right. =] Heee...it took us that long to figure it out?? *giggles* n_n*
Parent Post
Apr 4, 2004
It took _me_ long, you mean.
Ehh, seriously, I guess I know that for five or six month already, so don't you worry =P
Apr 4, 2004
Erm...I didn't realise it. *blinks* X3
I think I've been taking stupid pills again. n_n* Wao, come to think of it, how long HAVE we known each other? *remembers talking about moo-cows as if it were yesterday* Ahh, the nostalgia! ^o^
Apr 4, 2004
hehe, yes, the moo-cows .. yush, I guess we know each other for about half a year now .. eeeh, we can figure out pretty fast, since you posted in my guestbook in the first view days .. errm .. hang on *digs though the pages* aha .. there we go .. November 2003. five to six months =n.n=
hehe, I really should put a tagger there, somewhere on my site, then I could move all our postings there X3
Apr 4, 2004
Moo-cows and clean bed sheets..*wai!* ^o^
Half a year? Blimey...it didn't really seem that long, to me. Guess time really does fly by when you're having fun, huh? <=]
Hehe, yea! Tobias' Tagger...where geckos, seals and dragons go to chat. X3 Hoohoo, I like it! XD Perhaps you could place one just underneath your nav bar...? It wouldn't be too hidden or showy there, I don't think. =] I got a free one from myshoutbox.com and they have some nice interfaces and stuff there....but I'm sure you'd know about better ones than that. n_n* Seems everyone is two steps ahead of me when it comes to web stuff. *giggles* =]
Apr 5, 2004
hehe, yup, time flies indeed .. half a year, yush, it feels like yesterday still =3
I guess the main idea is so there won't be dozens of posts below a particular picture, and I guess it .. well .. just looks better having all this in a tagger instead of a huuuge nested comment thread X3
I thought about below the navigation bar too .. it's just about the only place left where I could put it, I guess n.n
As for the tagger, I would make it myself .. I mean, all the commenting, editing and deleting already works here, so why shouldn't I reuse this for the tagger? It's just another folder, that only displays the last 10 comments people left =3
Kind of like the guestbook, just smaller, you know.
Apr 5, 2004
*nodnod* Ahh...yesterday...*giggles* =]
...I really do talk way to much. Not to mention drag posts longer than I should...aiie...n___n*
Mini guestbook? Hehe, sounds cool! n_n I was thinking of commenting in your guestbook the other day, but...that would've just started another long conversation, probably along the lines of apples, or candle wax, or something really bizarre and obscene...like we do. X3
Apr 6, 2004
naw, you don't talk to much, no worries, and I the long threads here don't bother me either, in fact, it's very nice to hear from you, you know?
I just think that the shoutbox would make the guestbook kind of obsolete, which I don't really want either .. meh, so many choices, I guess I'll just have to try and see what happens, ne? X3
meeeh, thunderstorm now .. with lightenings .. freaky O.x
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