Aww, its not a stupid mistake! I do stuff the wrong way round all the time. n_n*
The rubbers on the end of my pencils have all been worn down to nubs too...<=]
I've never used your comment system you have here before...I was always too scared to, incase I said something stupid, or if I was the only one to comment, I'd feel all embarrassed (and people might think I was a stalker of some sort...n_n*) <=]
Hehe, it is so much nicer here, with all the icy blue and white...alot nicer than grungy green, at any cost. ;] I also think your site has a quiet, warm and serene kinda feel to I feel happy posting any conversations that we are more than likely to encounter when commenting with each other. *giggles* =] Its just...with DA, I always feel like I'm being watched, you know? I mean, there are thousands apon thousands of members there; its easy to become just a little bit paranoid, right? <=] *coughcough* There I go again, using your comment board as a chat forum...*smacks hand* I really gotta stop rambling so much. ¬_¬*
Anyways, yeah, I come by here occasionally to see if the little brown seal has made any more updates or such, and I like musing through your gallery once in a while, your art always makes me look on the bright side, seeing as your work mostly IS bright and happy stuff! n_n In fact, this picture very much reminds me of a cafe bar I went to in France, it was really nice and sunny, perhaps a little more sunnier than the pic, (It was a cloudless day...*sigh* So warm and refreshing! n__n) but it had the exact same glass barriers, steps and floor you drew...'cept, the floor was a bit more marble-y...but shiny nonetheless! *giggles* <=] Eee...rambling again...*George throws an apple at her* *clunk!* @_-*
And in conclusion, erm...a very wonderful picture! =]