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Comments: 8
Views: 3590
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Sep 30, 2006
(No wonder he was shooting at me. xD What file is it? It won't open for me. ):<)
Aye, but sometimes there's toooooooo many surprises.
Parent Post
Sep 30, 2006
Awr, it won't? (It's a compressed file, containing the game file, by the way ^^) What happens when you download it?
Pfff, seeing how slow I am, it's more like too little surprises X3
Oct 1, 2006
It is? I thought it was already the game file. Well, anywho, my computer can't seem to figure out how to open it; it keeps asking me which program to use for it.
No, your timing is juuust about right. :3
{Guess what! ^-^ I made a site:
http://www.talking-trees.co.nr }
Oct 2, 2006
Awr, that's weird - can you try again now? If that doesn't work, what about
this one
(Oh, and yay! Congratulations ^-^ Though, it shows up as empty for me, am I doing anything wrong? ^^; )
Oct 23, 2006
Huzzah, it works? Though it took me several tries to get connected. ^-^;; But now I can play "Phiyrr and the evil sorcerer" on my computers. <3
{I've fixed it, now. You can go and check out the "under construction" page, if you like. It's the first one. xD}
Oct 24, 2006
Awr, really? Like, did it say it can't connect or such? That's weird O.O; (buuut I'm sure glad it worked eventually ^-^ Yush yush, now you can play it fuuull screen, or put it on CD or such ;3 )
(Looks awesome ^-^ Well, what's there already, at least ;P Very stylish and pretty ^-^ Noooow, to the content and the pictures you wanted to put there .. ;3 )
Oct 24, 2006
Aye, it said there was no connection, but my DSL was running smoothly and all. Maybe it's because I had other pages up and running? {I know. I'm tempted to bring it with me back to Poland. <3}
{Danke; I'm glad you like it. ^-^ Heheh. I'll be sure to make it allll prettiful once I finish a different website due in Media class. And you'll be one of the first link there. :3}
Oct 28, 2006
Very strange <.< I'll definitely have a look into that ^^ (and naw, I actually think my hoster's to blame, buut we'll see ^^ )
{Oooh, that's an honour ^-^ We could translate it to Polish, even! <3 }
{Awr, thank you so much <3 How is your website in media class coming along? I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your website, you're sure off to a good start *gives thumb-up sign* ^-^ }
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