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Comments: 8
Views: 1388
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Sep 6, 2006
Thank you ^-^ I'll see into which one I'll end up with, since this one's quite a bit more work than just inking a picture and scanning it ;P
Parent Post
Sep 8, 2006
I want to try it, too, but I don't know how to do it. xD
Sep 8, 2006
Aww, what - inking a picture?
(by the way, just curious - what does your text on Phiyrr's profile page say? :> )
Sep 10, 2006
Aye. I can only outline a picture with pencil, but I ink it, it goes horribly botchy. :x
(Oh, on the character page? It means, "There is nothing here now." It's in Polish, of course. ;3
Sep 10, 2006
Aww ;_; How do you ink your pictures? I usually draw the picture with pencil first, then ink the outline with an ink pen (which is really easy, because I'm just tracing the pencil lines ^^ ) aaand finally use an eraser to go all over to picture to remove the pencil lines ^-^
(Awr, I see ^^ And yup, that's what I meant - I should understand Slovenian as a Slavic language, but Polish seems to be a whooole different story ;P )
Sep 18, 2006
I usually just use a mechanical pencil to outline; I didn't really start inking my pictures, untill sixty grade, where I used a shabby permament marker over pencil. xD
{Well, not all look the same. Like, Russian is totally Slavic, but it has Greek letters and stuff. :B}
Sep 19, 2006
Oh, I see ^^ How about those really thin ink pens you can get in the stores? They'd not blotch, and you can add loads of fine details too ^-^
(Russian has cyrillic letters, no? ;3 Greek has greek letters X3 I know, I know, I'm nitpicking <3 )
Sep 29, 2006
They still blotch the pictures up quite nicely, with the ones I know; or they don't run at all. Americans don't know how to make pens. x-x
{No, Russian has Greek letters. End of story. xD}
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