Phiyrr (and the evil sorcerer)
Comments: 148 Views: 71211 Phiyrr (and the evil sorcerer)
Written by Tobias on Jul 30, 2006
An evil, evil sorcerer, who lives deep down, in the haunted woods, in a land faaaar far away, has bewitched loads of creatures and had nothing better to do than to sic them against the unsuspecting world! The only one who can stop him now is
Phiyrr , a little fox-girl with a love for scarves and goggles, who did not hesitate a second, and immediately jumped in her plane to take on the sorcerer.
you help Phiyrr to make her way through thirteen different levels, passing deserts, oceans, islands and volcanoes, to fight back the sorcerer's minions?
How to play:
Use the arrow keys to move around, and the space key to shoot either bubbles or fireballs (careful with moving fast though, since Phiyrr's in a heeeavy plane, flying in the air, you can't stop it right at the spot). The game has two main weapons you can use - bubbles and fireballs. Each one can be upgraded many times throughout the game - you get to choose which one you want to concentrate on, in the second level :3 The fireballs might be harder to use at first, but become very powerful after a while. The bubbles are a lot easier to use, but don't become quite as powerful as the fireballs - it's your choice ^-^
Whenever you complete a level, you get a password which you can use to continue your game later on, with the same score, the same weapons and same everything, where you left off (the entire story of the game takes place in two days - level one through seven happen on the first day, level eight through fourteen on the second day).
Comments, critique and feedback are greatly appreciated ^-^
I really like this game!good job!!
Thank you ^-^
(are you on devArt? If so, what's your name there? :3 )
Hey Tobias!! I am sorry about not replying to your pm earlier.
You asked me way back in July if I had Deviant Art... and yeah I do! It's
I didn't even know your site had a PM system..and today I just looked up into the corner and saw that I had a message.
Gah.. I am such a spaz!
anyways...I replied sorry for the 6 months without replying lol..
Well, the message you saw is more a comment-reply system thingy, it tells you if someone replied, and e-mails you too X3 That's how I keep track of whether I have messages or not X3
Oooh, so that's you! ^-^ Definitely a surprise, but a good one at that *scurries off to your page to say hello, especially seeing that I took even longer than you to reply >.<*
Take care,
im on devart! i luff your game:D im quicksilver67 on deviantart
Aww, yay ^-^ Glad to know, and I'll be sure to stop by as well ^-^
Rather nifty little game. It's simple, maybe a little slow-paced, but all it's really missing is some music and sound (and I can help you there if you'd like) ...and explosions! Can't go wrong with explosions! :D --- ~StevenRoy (on dA)
Hiya Steven :3
Thank you for your comment (and glad you liked the game too, aaaaand congratulations on being the first who got through Day 1 too, you lead by ten minutes! ^-^ )
The game actually gets a lot faster in the second half (especially after level 8), the first half is kiiind of just to gradually warm you up and get you ready for the real thing :3 And yup, I'm aware that the game has no sounds, I'll note you about that, okay?
This game is so adorable!! I love the way it looks, so many flash games just look really boring, but this is all soft and gorgeous. n_______n I managed to get to the end on easy mode!! (And I died halfway through on normal. ^^;) Even my mum wants to play it now. xD
I can't wait to see it finished, I want to beat that sorcerer. ;D
Youuu know, when I first read your comment, it made me giggle - for sooome reason, I never expected anyone having their parents try the game .. teheh, I feel honoured now *-*
I'm really glad you like the game, aaaand you can already get to the sorcerer too, he's waiting for you (and shivering in his boots already, knowing that you're about to face him!!) - he's only there in normal mode though, easy mode ends after you defeated all his minions <.< (but on the plus side, if you get so far in normal mode as you do in easy mode, you'll have someone help you along, so it's not you fighting all alone ;3 )
Thanks for your comment, Kazzi <3
Just finished Day 1, very excellently done - though I thought the transition in difficulty between the green fields section and the desert section was a bit sharp, going suddenly from very easy to pretty tricky (I only got hit once or twice in the entire green fields section, then died three times in the second desert level!). Again, excellent work!
Yay, congratulations ^-^ You're one of the few that got so far already (and you finished it in the normal difficult setting too, right? ;3) Don't worry, you're doing really well in the game :D
Yup, I know the difficulty is climbing quite a bit as you progress through the game, but it's also because .. for me it's really hard to judge how hard a level is, because I kind of know what's going to happen next, you know? ;P If there are any parts in particular that got you stuck in these three lives, you could tell me which ones (just describing what happens or screenshotting them should work), and I'll try making them easier a bit (though, the game should also remain a bit of a challenge, right? ;3 You're playing in normal difficulty too, easy is *much* easier, however it only gives out half the points, and you can't rescue Celina either. But yup, if there are any unfair or waaaay too hard parts, I can make them a little easier so the difficulty doesn't climb that much in the desert levels ^-^ )
Once again, thanks for your feedback, and take good care of yourself <3
That is an amazing game, greatwork!
Thank you ^-^ (and thanks for the favourite too :3 )
I really like this, really great job on this! I played through one difficulty and I think it was really well done. I almost didn't make it through because I bounced off enemies and took damage for each time contact occured and I like that ^^ next time I'll have to try normal to see what that's like in comparison to easy =3
Can't wait to see the full version ^^! Until then I'll probably play this a couple more times =D
Eeeh, you liked bouncing into enemies? ;P That's not good, it takes a looot of health if you do that, you know ;3
(Oh, and with playing through one difficulty you meant you got to the end of the first day, where it tells you that you can continue tomorrow, right? The game does go on after that, this is actually the full version :3)
The normal difficulty level is quite a bit more challenging than the easy difficulty level, but you also get a lot more points, and you get a chance to rescue Phiyrr's friend, which gives you different levels, new enemies and a better ending ^-^
Thanks for your comment, Shadou! <3
Well, it at the least provides realism ^^ not like other games where you bounce off an enemy and you go through others instead of taking damage like you're supposed to.
And, I got through the message that says continue tomorrow or something like that. ok, So this is the full version- guess I'll have to continue when I get the opprotunity to play around with it again ^^.
Your welcome Tobias =3
Ooh yes, I know what you mean ^-^ Technically it would happen here too, but you're only invulnerable for a split seconds, in which the game just tries to get you as far away from whatever you bounced into as possible ;3
Yup yup ^-^ I mean, just imagine, going through the meadow, the mountains, the deserts and crossing an ocean, that's a looong trip, no? Even this little fox girl needs her beauty sleep every once in a while ;3 Buuuut yush, feel free to continue whenever you get the opportunity, the password the game gave you is good for a looong time to come ^-^
Ahaha, I loved this game! Well, I didn't actually get very far on it... I guess I got to the third level on normal mode? Maybe I should try playing it on easy and see if I end up doing any better... I guess it'd take too long to see how the game ends if I don't practice enough on that mode. It's adorable so far, and even though I'm not that good at slower-paced games, I'm sure that I'll be coming back to play it some more. (:
*giggles* Actually, the game does get a lot more fast-paced in the second half, the first half is just .. warming up, to give everyone a chance to get used to the controls and everything, you know? ;3 And easy mode is indeed a lot easier, so if you have troubles in the normal difficulty setting, you'll get a lot farther in easy mode ^-^
(The third level, only? ;P Aww, c'mon <.< )
wow looks like you spent alot of time makeing this one.
The only thing that I would change would be the shooting speed. Seems a little under powered for the number of enimies you end up fighting. Other then that it is very good.
Thankies ^-^ Yup, yup, I spent quite some time on it, drawing the various characters, level-backgrounds, designing the levels themselves, the powerups and animating everything, drawing out the various screens, such as the pause-screen aaaand so on ^-^ Those might be little things if seen individually, but they definitely add up - and together with learning how to actually do that in Flash, I think it was about one and a half months, from the beginning until now ^^;
Changing the shooting speed is definitely a good suggestion - how far did you get in the game? I'm just asking because there are several weapon powerups already (you get your first one pretty soon, in level 2, and until then, there's not really a lot coming your way), which increase your shooting speed a lot (the bubbles-shot literally becomes a stream of bubbles if you powered it up several times, while the fireballs stay slightly slower, but become very strong and powerful with time). Sooo, depending on what shot-level you were already at, I could make them faster and such, buuut I'm also a little hesitant because I don't want to make the game too easy, you know? ^^
That was amazing! I'm really shocked and proud that you created such a game! ^_^ It was wonderful, and probably something I'll do in my spare time ^_~ Excellent graphics in there, and the controls were easy. I love how each enemy looked, and the level of difficulty slowly increased. ^_^ The game slowed down (lagged i believe is the term) when level ups happened, I don't know if it was supposed to be like that ^_^;;; But overall this was just awesome! Keep it up!
Meep, sorry for taking so long to reply ^^; I didn't mean to, I was just .. busy with all sorts of stuff and time just literally flew by - not that you think I didn't read your comment or something ^^; You're right, the it wasn't supposed to lag during the level-ups, it's just that full-screen effects in Flash are really slow, so the whole fading-in and fading out made it lag quite a bit - many probably didn't notice it because they had fsst computers (or never levelled up ;3 ), but it's especially interesting to hear how it performs on slightly slower computers, sooo .. thank you for letting me know ^-^ I was actually very careful with effects in the game, because as soon as you add a bit too much, Flash immediately slows down to a crawl <.< The level-up effect I left in because it doesn't happen too often and only lasts for a short while anyway ;3
Glad you liked the game, in any case, despite those little slowdowns and such ^-^
Lol!!! Awesome flash game... I'm currently trying to get flash myself and I'm jealous...
Still, I always love your stuff- keep on rocking.
Thanks Martin ^-^ Hehe, you too? That's awesome - I'm sure you'll be doing all well with it really soon ^-^
Take care,
A little boring but the visuals are gorgeous.
Well, you were at the very first level there is, you've got to start somewhere ;P That level was actually added because people said that the game starts too hard ;3
The later levels are a lot more challenging, you can skip the first levels by using "hazelnut" as password, as mentioned in the description ^-^ (I honoured your critique though and made it so that if you choose the "normal" difficulty setting, the first level is skipped, so you start at level 2. Of course, if you have any suggestions as for how to balance the game so everyone can enjoy it, let me know - it's not a matter of that I can't make the game faster ;3)
This game is quite fun. The only drawback is perphaps the lack of sound and probably the bosses are very easy. Apparently, the levels themselves seem harder to pass, because it's harder to dodge enemies and enemy fire than the boss itself. Maybe a balance between harder bosses and a varied level design would make it become better. Anyway, just wanna ask, which games are you inspired by in making the game? I did play some shooter games like Gradius and R-Type, so I might have thought the game might be similar to those examples I mentioned :-)
Thanks ^-^ (and glad to hear you like it, too ^-^) I know the game doesn't really have any sound effects, I tried to look for good freeware sounds, but none of them quite seemed to fit, so after looking for quite some while, I decided to just leave the sound sound-less instead of putting some maybe-more-annoying-than-atmospheric sounds in it ^^; You can listen to your favourite music when playing the game though ^-^
Oh yes, I know what you mean - the bosses aren't really too difficult because people got frustrated when they lost at a boss and had to redo the entire level, but you're right - one thing I could have done is to make ordinary levels and then just one level for the boss, it's something to keep in mind for the future ^-^ The bosses do get slightly more difficult after the desert level though, sooo let me know what you think of those you're about to encounter next - there are four more, after all ;3
(Inspirations? That's a good question - I don't really know - there's quite a large amount of feedback and suggestions that went into this game, it started out pretty basic (like, bosses didn't have a life-bar, and you could only take three hits before getting knocked out, and no power ups either). I've played a couple of shooter games when I was really little (mostly "Lethal Zone", but this game isn't really anything like that), but that's about it (My cousin always used to play R-Type, though it always looked waaay to hard for me *-* ). What mostly inspired me making this game was a game googley made (
this one ), eeeeven though it's entirely different, I wanted to try making one too, after playing it ^-^)
Just finished until Level 7 on Normal mode, I think I left a Suggestion in the Flash game itself, it's pretty fun too :-)
This is fantastic! I really like it. The controls are really good - I normally find on games like this that they are to sensitive but these work well.
Great job as always.
Thank you ^-^ The controls were actually something I wasn't entirely sure of whether they were good or not, because on the one hand, I wanted the plane to feel slightly "heavy", so it wouldn't speed up or stop instantly, but on the other hand I didn't know whether it didn't slide around too much, you know what I mean? ^^; Anyway, glad to hear they work for you - how far did you get? ^-^
I got past the first boss and a level past that I think - then all the white planes got me! But I shall keep playing it! I must win! :D
Awr, those evil white planes <.< The level past the level after the first boss? Wow, that's quite far already, congratuations ^-^ Hehe, I'm all sure you'll win then - in the next level, you miiight actually get someone to help you along on your side (provided you play with the normal difficulty setting :3)
Ooo! Exciting! *Goes to play more.*
omg omg this was SO FUN XD the balloon things are what got me @__@ keep it up!
Thankies <3 Oh .. you mean .. the biiig hot-air balloon thingies? Ooor the zeppelins? I know, they're a little evil, buuut you managed your way past them just fine, right? ^-^ (there's actually a second part of the game, all you need to do is entering the password that you got at the end of the first part tomorrow, and there you go ;3 )
Wow this was really fun! And I particularly like the animation of the airplane. It's very pleasing to the eye when I see that when I move up and down the plane tilts slightly (I suppose it does the same thing when I move forward and backwards). The scenery is very nice, too! I accidentally crashed a few times because I was distracted by the towns down below or the mountains and the clouds (not that it was a bad thing!). It's nice that you put depth into the scenery by having the foreground pass by faster than the distant mountains. All those little things are what I find lacking in other flash games, leaving them kind of bland and boring after a while.
But no no! You done a wonderful job. ^-^ The cute little cutscenes like when you're about to encounter a boss or when a character is talking to you make me just smile. The whole thing was fun, and I don't think it was too hard or too easy. Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to make this!!
Awesome game, since this is just the beta, can imagen what the compleat ver. is going to be like ^.^
Hehe, it's as complete as it gets, it has several difficulties and two endings, soooo I think that's all fine ;3 (the only reason why it still says "beta" on it is because I feel there's going to be some error or bug in it which I haven't found yet ;P )
Oh, and thank you for your nice comment (and the favourite too *-*), it's much appreciated <3
Take care,
The details in this are AMAZING! You should become a professional game designer one day! I sure would appreciate the cute styles you concoct with that mind of yours. Pico was my favorite character, he's so cute! The animation is very fluid and realistic, and the background are always nice to look at too.
I actually have no critiques...for once. In my eyes, it was perfectly made. I liked how you had a tutorial, different passwords for everyone (very nice feature! If only all games had that!) and its overall greatness blows me away. I never thought I'd see you make a game, it never crossed my mind until now! Nicely done, Toby!
Aww, thankies Lolly ^-^ (and no worries, it's not like you absolutely have to critique something every time, it's juust as nice to know that everything was well done in your eyes ^^)
Hehe, Pico has a fan? ;3 By the way, how far did you get in the game? I'm juuust asking, because in one of the later levels) you rescue a friend, whooo is one of my favourite characters in the game, soo I was just wondering whether you saw her as well ^-^
Take care,
I finally logged in! WHOO! I submitted my high score in, but I don't think It'll make the highest of all scores. I shall try though! *nods determidely*
On the normal I didn't get very far, only to the desert boss, and the easy I got up to where she goes to sleep. XD I'm afraid I haven't seen the character you're talking about yet. X3
Wheee, yay ;P And you did remember to change your password too after you logged in, right? Otherwise you'll have the saaame happen again very soon (unless you can remember that recovery password so well X3 )
And don't worry, there are random prizes given out too, soooo who knows - you might get lucky! :3
(hehe, I see - aaand I gave you some hints in that other note you sent me ^-^ I'm sure you'll see her veeeery soon :3 )
Well, I'm sure you already know my thoughts on this game from the feedback I've provided, but you know, if this game was somehow able to be released in the 80s, I'm sure it would have sold as well as pancakes! :D And we know pancakes are teh pwnage. X3
I really liked the enemy design. I never would have guessed those teaser pictures of the..."black ball" with balloons would be game-related. I just like that little guy. X3 By the way, why did you decide to put in the "come back tomorrow" feature? I mean, it forces us to wait. ;_;
Anyway, congrats on putting all the time and effort into making this. It's a really impressive game with lots of cuteness stuffed into it. ^-^ And thanks for giving me the privilege to improve it. =] Any plans for a sequel? ;P
This is prolly one of the best flying shooting games ive seen on dA ever. You did an amazing job and it totally shows that you put a lot of work into it. I liked the cute little cut scenes :)
Just wanting to say thank you for your comment on my game - especially coming from you, it meant quite a lot to me :3 (And yush, I can imagine, seeing that you animated your own little movie for web-classes too - just that yours is a loooooot longer than my little cutscenes, and very well done too *-*).
Glad you liked the game, in any case - how far did you get? :3
Good work Tobias! Enjoy your stay in the amazing realms of the Flash community! =]
Thank you, aaaand thank you for the welcome too ^-^
This is such an adoreable game! I love it!
You did some amazing work here =3
And how great is that, that you used a friend's charactor? So sweet of you! =D
Great work! Fun game! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside X3
D'Aww, thank you ^-^ Yup, Phiyrr is the character of one of my friends (who actually goes by the same name as well; a very nice and friendly person from Poland, juuust a tad busy and procrastinating at times ;3 ), I thought it'd be a nice surprise for her ^-^
Oh, and glad to hear you like the game (how far did you get, by the way?) - if it made your day, that's more than I could possibly hope for <3
Take care,
This game is so crazy !!! Have fun ; )
I love this game. It's so much fun. Tell me when you have a downloadable version :)
Yay! Been playing it again!
Must say I may make a formal complaint about how the cactus is a bad guy! :p
It's really good! I love it.
Yay, how far did you get this time? Did you rescue your fluffy friend? :3
(aww, the cactus? He's not too difficult, is he? Just stay in the bottom left corner and dodge if he targets you, and you'll be aaall fine ^-^ )
Thanks again for your nice comment, Fiona - aaaand glad to hear you love it, too ^-^
I know ^^ It's something a friend of mine will try working on ^-^
Thanks <3
Thank you, Sammy ^-^ (how far did you get? :3 )
I think this should have gotten more favorites at Deviant art. It's a wonderfully wimsical game, and a lot better done then most of the things that make daily favorite.
Well, you know, to make a DTF on devArt you need to have a huge fan-base, or, in case of Flash movies, have copyrighted music or Naruto in it ;P
Effort or quality is secondary, really ;3 (Sure, there are plenty of good DTFs in all sorts of galleries, but in the Flash gallery, what makes the DTF is kinda .. substandard). Oh well - I'm glad you like it, in any case, and I do feel honoured that you think it should have been a DTF ^-^ How far did you get in the game? Did you try beating it in Normal/Challenge mode? :3
Thanks for the comment <3
Best flash game ever, if I do say so myself. I had loads of fun playing it. <3
But why did you choose little, ol' Phiyrr out of all the characters you could have chose from? O:
{Sorka that this comment is all late, but I was sick. D:}
Thank you ^-^ How far did you get our little heroine get, under your guidance? ;3
And sorry to hear you were sick ^^; Make sure you get plenty of rest and take all your vitamins, and I'm sure you'll be back in good health again in no time ^-^ I sure hope it wasn't anything too bad, at least <3
(teheh, why not little ol' Phiyrr, hmm? ;3 Oh, and was it actually a surprise or did you already expect something like that?)
I've only gotten to the part in which Phiyrr is so tired she needs to sleep, soooooo, I'm all excited to start again when I get back from my grandmother's on Sunday. :3 {Is that the picture you showed me before in your note? I think I've seen in before. ^-^ And, Celina is like the total bomb with her lighting attack. It helped me a ton in the game, that's for sure. <3}
But I've also submitted my score from my old game. I'm not really that good at games until I get a feel for them. ^-^;
No, no, don't worry your head off, it was only a minor fever, that's all. I seem to be getting sick very often this year. ;-;
{Aye, it was a big surprise, as I didn't expect anything as a FLASH GAME. I was screaming "Oh my gee!" to the computer screen and all. I owe you a million Toby, for making Phiyrr the main character of your first game, and much more. <333333}
{Oh, I also have feedback for the game, I'm just saving it all so that I can get a complete report when I finish the game and all.}
Hehe, weeell, you know, it's a looong trip Phiyrr is taking, she's flying over deserts and oceans, she can't do it all in one day (and especially since she's slightly sick too, she needs to make extra sure she gets plenty of rest ^-^ Oh, by the way, you noticed? She
does take her goggles off after all :3)
Same for me, I always need to try a couple of times before I get a good score ;3 But it's like that for pretty much everyone, right? Otherwise it's be a liiittle unfair ;3 You're doing all well though, no worries, getting to though the first part of the game in normal mode, with Celina rescued, is really good; not a lot come that far ^-^
Oooh yes, Celina does really help a lot when she's around, she's a strong little cloud, no? ;3
(And you're welcome ^-^ If it was a surprise for you and it made you happy, theeeen my mission is accomplished ^-^ That's all I really wanted and that's also why I picked Phiyrr as the character to be in that game :3 Glad you like it, aaaand I'm looking forward to your report once you finished the game (which, I'm sure, will be no problem for you ^-^ )
Take care, and enjoy your vacation at your grandmother's (hehe, it's a total coincidence, but we're visiting our grandmother this weekend as well, soooo we'll both be doing the same thing :3 ) ^-^
Aye, aye, and the engine can't get to hot either, or else it'll explode with all the fireballs that Phiyrr throws. <3 {I know, I noticed! It would be uncomfortable, so it's reasonable. ;3}
Aye, but it's better to retry until you can do your best. And thank you, I'm honoured that you think I'm farther than most people in the game. xD
Aye, aye, she took down those little buggers faster than I could! O:
(Your mission was to surprise me? Awr; I thank you greatly for it. Danke. Danke. Danke. <3333333}
Wow, that's a coincidence. My grandma made me cake, so I was happy. What about you? ^-^
This is awesome! Very good job on it! ---Cyberraptor34 (DA)
Very nice game. I used to play all of the older games in this genre back on my graphing calculator in high school math. Hehe. I really like the art - cute, clean, and colorful. The gameplay is easy to get used to and the game is still challenging (yeah, I lost quickly enough.. oops). I need to find more time to play around with this one :)
awesome stuff!!! level 6 is very hard!! I dont know how to crit this, its near perfect, I love the painterly style of the backgrounds rather than the usual vector backgrounds, this needs sound... and the dopey smiley enemy plane not expecting to be shot is very cute!! get some sound into your game!!!
Ermmm.... For some reason after I put my name in and choose the difficulty, all I see is the scrolling background.
Perhaps it's just my computer though... ^^;
Hmm, could you try clearing your cache? Also, if that doesn't work, does downloading and installing the newest Flash Player help?
[Link] I know it probably has to do with Flash Player's sandbox thingy, however the policy-files should be correct, since otherwise it wouldn't work for anyone ^^
A fine piece of work from you Toby, not to mention way different from what we've seen from you so far! The effort put into this art-wise is amazing. Each loading screen, character, background and general picture is very well done and adds a lovely touch to the game! I must mention that I adore Phiyrr's plane!
The idea itself is quite simple but very effective. I was pretty much entertained through-out the whole gameplay - this coming from a person with a relatively short attention span :P We did game coding in IT class last year, and I really can't imagine all the time put into making everything work. Bravo! :D
I really can't see anything about the game that needs improving. You've really outdone yourself, methinks!
Though I do wonder (or perhaps I just haven't reached the appropriate level), is the bird that's always far in the background somehow significant? ;P
Yay, hiya Kat ^-^ Yush, it's definitely very different from what I usually upload, glad to hear someone noticed that ;3 I really didn't expect it myself, so if you asked me about it two months or so ago, I'd have given you a really curious look, since I had no idea how Flash worked or anything :3
The backgrounds, the characters and everything took a huge chunk of the game's development time, the code actually isn't that much, really. Most time is definitely spent drawing the different screens (did you see the pause screen, for example?), backgrounds, characters, items, health bar, shots, sparkly effects and much more which you don't really think of at first when making a game ;P I thought most time would be spent with coding X3 I'm glad you find the game entertaining too (even though you haven't seen everything yet, no? You get a partner to fight with you halfway through the game, it makes it a little easier ;3 ) aaaand I'm sure if you asked Phiyrr, she'd let you fly her plane too for a level or two X3 Just don't make too many bumps in it!
(Out of curiousity, what game did you code in IT class?)
The bird that's in the background is really just a graphic feature - it's there in some levels, and in others it's not. It'll fly around randomly, and you can chase it with your plane if you like ;3
Very nice. The only recomendation I would make is to make it so that when Items are parashooting down... make it so that they start by floating up first... Sometimes, important items would 'spawn' so low that it was impossible to pick that item up since it was already below the screen. Great work though. Finished level 8. Keep it up =) ~Conexion
Thanks for the favourite and your nice comment on my game - you're right, I noticed the thingy with the enemies carrying those items being a little too close to the bottom at times as well, and I tried to put those that drop really important items such as weapon upgrades or the one who holds Celina captured faaaar to the top, so you have enough time to catch those powerups. I might still have missed a few, where the appearance is random, sooo I'll look into it - thank you for telling me <3
Congratulations on getting to level 8 too, aaaand good luck on the remaining levels too, you're doing really well!
Ok, wow, just wow, the game is amazing! I can't believe you made that in only a month and a half or so! Seriously, its wonderful! The control as free moving the characters are all wonderful as are the bosses, the points system makes perfect sense etc. It's just amazing. Cnograts on making such an awesome game!
VERY nice game but it was a little short
Wow! That game is addicting. I played for a good 2 hours straight until I finally got to level 7 and it made me stop!
Aww, sorry to hear ;_; But that's just the first half, be sure to note down your password and have a good save state (with lots of lives ;3 ) ready for tomorrow, beeeeecause those little enemies do get a little smarter in the next levels ^-^
Thanks for your comment <3
Dude...this is awesome I love the animation and the lvl's are fun.. XD Make some more!
I love this game! You ROCK for making this!
Great game! The only real things I noticed were: The bosses are a tad bit too easy, at least on the first day... The power ups are really annoying to get, because they parachute down once you shoot the enemy carrying them... So if you're at the back, and shoot an emeny right as it comes within range, it's almost impossible to get the powerup. So maybe instead of having powerups parachute downward, maybe have them just float in the air in the same spot or slowly towards the player? Other than that, great game! :D
Hiya Duhr ^-^
Thank you for your comment :3 Actually the reason the bosses are so easy is because you're playing the game in easy mode, in which you basically have twice as much health as usual and all your enemies have theirs cut in half ;P Try playing the game in normal mode and see what it's like there (normal mode would also give you a chance for an alternate ending, too!)
I know what you mean with the powerups - actually they should be floating slightly towards the player already, but I'll keep your critique in mind and might change it in the next version ^-^ I still want them to float downwards (because they're parachutes, after all, plus that way you have to rush over to the item to get it), but having them float even more to the left might be a good idea, especially if you shoot the enemy carrying the item when it's just entering the screen ^^
Once again, thanks for your nice comment - I'd love to look at your gallery and artwork as well, but I can't seem to find you on devArt ;_;
Hehe, how far did you get? ;3
Whoa, that sounds grand - so you almost got to the very end *-* Congratulations ^-^
Yeah but my brother wanted to play, so I stopped playing and let him have a go.
Awr, that's nice of you ^-^ Who of you two got farther? ;3
This game is fun. It won't work for me any more... (cry, cry)
Aww, really? I just tried, it works fine for me - what kind of error does it give you? ^^;
It just won't work. My comp's kind of old. My parent's are thinking of getting a new one anyway. But when I did play it, I thought it was fun. I think I already said that but oh well ^^;
Hmm, maybe there's just something wrong with Flash? What happens if you download the most recent player from
[here] and see whether that fixes it? ^-^
I don't really download anything for fear the computer might blow up o.o (is not very computer savvy). ^^; (<--How many times have i used this one?)
Oh, okay ;P I'd help you if I could, but I'm nooowhere near your place ;3
Just to see whether your player is really the cause, what does it say if you go to
[Link] ?
(keep in mind though, that *eventually* it'd be wise to update, if only because older version have
severe security issues that could technically be exploited by viruses. Not saying you should do it yourself now, but eventually rather find someone savvy who does it for you ;3 )
By the way, what's your name on devArt? I have an idea who you could be (at least your name there starts with Illusion as well), but I want to make sure ;P
Oh, I don't have a dA. I just like looking at everyone and my friends artwork... The game works now! :D Yay!!!
Illusen is just a nickname my friends gave me. Sorry to disappoint you...:(
X3 Aww, this game is adorable! I faved on DA, since I don't have an account here. ^-^
finally convinced my mom to get that tablet for my birthday! She said that she and dad would both pay half! I'm so happy right now!
See ya on DA! ;p
Yay, glad you like it ^-^ *pokes* How far did you get in the game, hmmmm?
Oh, you do have an account here .. well, now you do ;P All you need to do is setting your password and you'll be all set ;P
And that's grand news ^-^ Now you could practice with your pencils already, so you'd be all ready and prepared when you get your tablet for your birthday ^-^ Do you already have a particular tablet in mind? If not, may I make a suggestion? Try going for Wacom tablets. I know there are tablets for $20 and sometimes even less, but they're usually poor quality (I've had an Aiptek at first, and when I got my Wacom at CompUSA, it was so much better and I started to notice how bad the Aiptek tablet actually was ;P ). As for the size, it depends what's more convenient for you the most popular tablets are the 4x5 and the 6x8 ones. If you move your hand around quite a bit when drawing, the bigger one is better for you, if you mostly draw small and with precise lines, you might want to try the smaller tablet ^^ There's a
Tablet FAQ someone has written three years or so ago which is definitely worth a read too, if you want to get a tablet ^^
All right! I'll
definitely take a look at that FAQ ;p
^^; um...far enough to like it? X3 oh be quiet!
Hehe, was that FAQ of any help, nooow that you already have a good idea what you'll be getting for birthday? :3
(aww, soooooo how far is that, exactly? :3 )
I want the 4x6 on that website you gave me. $76 or something...
Level 2 -_-;
4x5 works fine, you'll see ^-^ It takes a little to get used to tablets though, so don't let that discourage you! (just make sure you don't make the same mistake I did and rather look at the screen than at the tablet while you draw - it makes it muuuch easier ^-^ ). $76 is not too bad - usually those tablets cost about $100, so you're already saving $24 ^^ Plus it's good for years, I know I already have mine for a long time, and I doubt it'll stop working anytime soon - Wacom tablets are very robust ^^
Aww, level 2? *patpats* What was that hard in this level? ^^
I sure hope so ^^ I don't wanna watse Mom and Dad's money...
I kinda...sorta...died...multiple times...-_-;
WOOO! Looks awesome, man =3 Great, colourful graphics and nifty gameplay... and who doesn't like a furry little cute heroine X3;
Just in case there's any chance of you making another game like this one, or another version (I see this is labelled "beta" so I'm crossing my fingers) here's a couple suggestions that might help.. after all I may or may not be a good artist, but I am DEFINITELY a HardC0r3 gamer XP; (Hey I stayed up to 1 AM just to finish level 8 =O)
- How 'bout weak points for bosses? places that do more damage than usual and stuff (e.g. the armored fish in the water level, I was expecting to do more damage when I hit its bottom, unarmored area)
- maybe have Phiyrr's face in the corner of the screen change when her health bar is low, and the plane start to smoke.. even if she's really optimistic I doubt she could stay smiling all the time X3;
- Minor detail: Normally when I play shoot-em-ups that have shield/health bars, one of my tactics is to suicide into planes when I have lots of health, to get more points. Apparently the enemy here is immune to my plane =o=; So.. just a thought.
- Watch that difficulty curve... it seems to climb exponentially after the initial grassland stage.. So much so that I spent two lives getting over the initial shock and one life on recovering XD So yeah... Make it as hard as you want, but don't give people heart attacks XP
- I don't know whether this was intentional, but I keep destroying the powerup boxes when they're offscreen (infinite ammo rapidfire mode and all that). So it ends up that when it actually appears onscreen it's too late for me to catch it. Maybe fix it by having it fall more slowly..? There's a parachute after all XD
I've got a couple more suggestions, but I'm kinda tired now (and I bet you are from reading this ^^;) If you'd like them please note/pm/whatever me and I'll continue another day ^^ I mean, this is a great game with great potential, and I hope that you'll continue to improve it further ^__^
Aww, yay ^-^ Thanks for the detailed critique on the game, I sure appreciate it loads, because especially for games, it's always really interesting what others think, what ideas they have and everything ^-^ (Wow, 1 AM? You really ought to be in bed by that time <.< I mean, even Phiyrr got tired after level 8 ;3 )
I know what you mean with the ammo - it was supposed to float down rather fast, so you had to actually rush over to get it (instead of just waiting for it to come close to you), but it wasn't planned to be *that* hard for the rhyfe2002-rapid-fire mode ;3 I might make them float to the player a bit faster (so it gets on-screen more quickly), we'll see ^-^ All the really important items you can usually get easily (because either a boss drops it, or the enemy dropping it is aaaall the way at the top of the screen ;3 )
The difficulty I actually meant to climb rather quickly, so I wouldn't bore the more advanced players. For those who really find it too difficult, there's always easy mode, which is a lot easier and should - difficulty-wise - stop where the desert-level in normal mode picks on. And for the really good players, there's still challenge mode to beat ^-^ (*hopes you didn't have a heart attack because of the game* ^^; )
Weak points for the bosses and changing the avatar picture of Phiyrr in the top left are both excellent ideas indeed ^-^ It's something I'll keep in mind for the future, for this game it'd be a big change to do (especially because I'd need to add other incentives to play the game again for those who've already beat it ;3 ). I'll definitely remember it for the next version, in any case ^-^
(And yup, colliding with enemy planes doesn't do them any damage - I don't want to make the game *too* easy ;P Keep in mind, in the very first version of the game, colliding with a plane made you lose a life instantly - it was either Bungie95 or Googley who persuaded me that the game was waaay too difficult that way - the bouncing-off thingy seemed like a good compromise ^-^ )
So, how did you do in the game? I saw your name on the highscore list, judging from the score you beat normal mode, right? There's still challenge mode, if you get bored - just perfect for a hardcore-player, no?
Oh, and I'll definitely note you - just you wait >3
Yeah I did, but I didn't get Celina the first time round =_=; And in the next few days where I got her I keep dying in Level 12 because I keep bouncing off those pesky meteors ^^; which reminds me of a few other things I'd noticed...
a) Please take the "rest after level 8" thing away X_x; seriously. Especially when you want people to restart from the beginning when they die.. it's kinda frustrating because I can't just mow over levels 1-11 again.. I'd have to wait another day. So either that, or you'd have to make the GG penalty less serious... like maybe minus a few thousand points?
b) The password system's nifty, but when my IE crashed (blablafatalerrorbla) and I tried to reinput my password it said it didn't have it in the database O_o;
c) Minor game physics question: Why does Phiyrr's aeroplane get bounced UPWARDS when it gets hit by a meteor going DOWNWARDS? XD
...I'll wait XD;
Aww ;P But hey, at least that way you'll get to see both endings there are, no? ;3 The meteors can be quite difficult, I agree - but keep in mind they're always coming at the same spots, so you can kind of .. plot your flight plan according to it - unlike the other levels, level 12 is heavily scripted, the enemies will always come at the same spot, at the same time ^^
Cf. a.) to be honest, like the "rest" after playing seven levels; I actually put it in to emphasize that Phiyrr's trip takes a loong time and can't just be completed in five minutes, you know what I mean? Plus it adds a nice element of danger to the later levels, because you *really* don't want to lose then <.< There are a couple of things you can do though, so those waiting time are at least a little less serious - first of all, technically you don't need to wait a day, it's just nine hours - so if you play in the morning, you can finish the game in the evening. Also, it happens after you played seven levels, so you can have two passwords at level four ready, just in case you lose one game ;3 (the game won't let you wait anymore once you passed level ten, no matter what). Alternatively - come to think of it - I can just exclude your name from it (which I just did, so you shouldn't be seeing it again ;3) Oh, and about the password, if you can note me with it, I should be able to look it up in the database and see what's wrong, okay? ^-^
Hehe, well noticed about the meteors - usually, colliding with a plane or a meteor radially pushed you away from it - so if you hit it at the bottom left, you'll get bounced away to the bottom left,
unless you're very close to the bottom of the field - then the game bounces you towards the middle (with a longer invulnerability span), so you won't get cornered and lose a life (which used to easily happen with the eagle boss). The game basically tries to get you away from whatever you collided with, so you won't get hit again by the same object.
Take care,
Coooool, I finally finished it XD; thanks dude! *hugs*
Yay, congratulations ^-^ And you're welcome - was it challenging, at least? ;3
Wow. There are rarely many Flash games I have played that I genuinely enjoy, but this was great fun to play. Although I may be a little bias from my love of scrolling-shooters, I did thoroughly enjoy this game!
The mechanics of it were delicious, and it ran wonderfully smoothly. The learning curb kinda hit me in the face a bit, but then again...I suppose I underestimated those flying fish. :P
Lovely work sir, I've only played the first 8 levels so far - but I shall definitely come back to this one! The story was cute, and the floating cloud as an ally reminded me a lot of the game Alisia Dragoon. Which is a good thing. ;P
Great work as per usual sir, your Flash skills are only going to improve to awesome levels, I'm sure. Keep it up!
Fun, though some BGM would do nicely as an addition, even if the BGMs were midi. Cute, also.
Thank you ^-^ Aaand if you can make BGMs, I'd love to add them in - I didn't put in sounds because I simply didn't have any aaaand I'm reeeally bad at making those ^^;
I think if you made the gun upgrades a little different it could be better. For instance, instead of getting an entirely new gun, maybe have the other one shoot faster, or maybe have 2 gun racks instead of one? Great job on the background and the art, you're really good at flash!
Thank you ^-^ I had actually a hard time balancing the weapons, because I didn't want to make one of them heavily overpowered, you know? That's why I made fairly minor changes, *however*, the fireball shot will get you two racks (and eventually three) at some point if you level it up far enough ^-^
Take care,
Awesome, I've I got 18 on the high scores. Great game man, I'd like to see more on this!
hey, I noticed that when you have won over a kitty in an airballoon, there appears a hole in the balloon, so you know itll be dead. the other creatures dont have much like it, perhaps they could have a colour change when they are dead? so you dont have to shoot on a dead one anmymore?
Actually most monsters are supposed to have an animation when you defeated them - I think the only monsters that don't are the little fishies you encounter a little later on in the game - I'll look into that ^-^
Thanks for telling me!
I hate the hot air balloons, they're so fat.
They're supposed to be fat ;P That's what makes them a worthy enemy, no? Otherwise they'd be waaaay too easy, that way you have to take them out fairly quickly because otherwise they'll be in the way sooner or later ;P
Wow! I can't remember the last time I played this! [not to sound rude again] It's been so long! I need to play it more often...
you should make it more challenging i think its 2uuuuuuuuuuuuuu easy from raida and DeRcheezebot
Oooh, don't worry - the game does get quite challenging later on - it only starts easy because everyone who tested it told me it started too hard - sooooo I made really easy first levels ;P Trust me though, especially challenge mode should be good for a challenge ;3
This game os really cute. I'm already addicted to it. ANd the levels are pretty challenging. But if you you could just put some sound effects in there, that would be even better. *huggle* ^_^
Aww, thankies <3 I'd love to put sound effects in it, buuuut I'm really bad in recording them X3 If you can make some though (you have to make them yourself however, since taking them from elsewhere is just going to get us in trouble ;P ), I'd love to put them in ^-^
I love it.I can play all day.Nothing is bad about,nothing i can think of.It runs smooth,looks nice,and it's easy to learn.
How sweet! I love the graphics, very well done for a flash game. Maybe a little bit easy, but I'm only through Day 1.
One question: How did you make flash recognize that the game has been played within 24 hours, making the user actually "give Phiyrr a rest"? This actually makes me rather curious.
Aww, thank you ^-^ And don't worry about it being easy, it will get quite a lot harder from Day 1 on, especially in the later levels and if you're playing in normal mode (if you play in normal mode and found Celina, the game will switch you to challenge mode - in that case, good luck X3).
Oh, good question ^-^ Actually it's quite simple, the game merely checks if you've completed more than seven levels, and if so, it checks what time you completed the level seven levels before, and if that's smaller than X hours, it makes you wait. The check is actually done server-side, not in flash ;P Technically, the flash game asks "okay, can I have the level data for the next level?" and the server replies "nope, you got to wait" X3
love it D: , but the easy level is hard LOL, i suck <.<.. but yeah. good job ^^
Pfff, noooo way, you don't suck X3 It just needs a little practice and then it'll be really easy - it's easier than Stormy, too!
Very fun! I discovered your site by accident and now I'm determined to get first place!
By accident? How did that happen? X3
There we go, much better: 72,543 points. I died twice and missed about 3 or 4 extra lives. I believe the highest score possible is a little above 100,000 (though unless the Sorcerer can't stop summoning minions, the highest score is almost infinitely high).
Great job ^-^ Yeah, dying once or twice can't really be avoided that much, even when I play, I usually die once or twice, and miss the odd extra live (and sometimes even weapon powerups). 72,543 points is very nice though, that definitely puts you on the first place - you sure were fast achieving that too, congratulations ^-^
Yush, you're right in your assumption - technically you can keep the last two bosses alive as long as you can, and just shoot their minions - while they only give around 10-15 points, they also drop extra lives at a certain rate, and seeing that the bonus you receive at the end is affected by that, you can pretty much get an arbitrary amount of points ;P Even though, it's going to be much harder though to hit the monsters and spare the boss, especially with Celina around ;3
Anyhow, congratulations once again, this sure is a very nice score and actually even tops what I received so far.
I discovered the game again, by accident! So I played again, and got 3rd place. Then I realized that my score has been undefeated since 2007! Wow.
Hey, this is a really cool game! ^^ I love the idea of the game, and the characters are adorable! :D Thanks so much for making my day more enjoyable. X3
haha... nice game. Quite entertaining.
I have a penchant for furry things and I enjoyed this. Your doin' some great things, keep it up! =^_^=
Glad you enjoyed it! And thank you :3 I'll try my best ^-^
Dude this game is awesome, I like how you get health back at the beginnings of new levels, the fire power is a little too slow for me, I should have stuck with the lowest model.
Beyond that like I said awesome game Kudos for making it and having the awesome thing about having to play another day to continue, it's cool that I have to wait, makes me anticipate the coming day and I don't finish the game in one day.
This game was really fun! I can't even do normal mode though... ^^;
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