Comments & Critique
Written by Tobias on Mar 15, 2006
Weeell, there are places on earth where it's snowing in July - in Australia and South Africa they have winter then! :3 Of course, if it's July and it's snowing in Austria I thiiiink it's time to go down to Italy - all the way X3 (and someone needs to help all those scientists around the world too ;3 )
Oh yes, that works! Unless someone else is sent to look for you and stops by in the bathroom ;3
(Yay ^^ And who is going to sponsor the scarf for the orange? Also, are you going to eat the orange afterwards? :3 )
(Aww, pretty ^-^ Valentine's glasses?)
Aye, aye, you're right. Global warming doesn't exist if it snows in Austria. :P
Fwee, tell them that you're the bathroom ghost and people should leave you in peace? xD
(Oh, I'll dig something up for the scarf, of course. And the orange I'll eat. :3)
(Oh, no, just normal. :P)
Hehe, nope, definitely not ;P Though we're really getting a looot of snow this year, a lot more than usual O.O;;
Maybe X3 Except if the go back to class then and tell everybody about the bathroom ghost that sounded like Phiyrr ;P
(Okay ^-^ I'm all curious what it'll look like already :3 And .. you're actually eating the poor phiyrr-orange? O.O; Are you sure it'd agree with you eating it?)
(Ooh, I see ^^ They'd still go perfectly for Valentine's day, I'm sure ^-^ )
That's strange. We had a very mild winter this year. (Make snow-seals!! :B)
I would use a voice changer. xD
(So am I!! :P Maybe. But it'd probably want to be eaten and all.)
(Yep! <3)
Prooobably we got all the snow from you ;P That's why you have almost none, and we have all the snow from Austria and the United States X3 (Aww, I would, buut all of the snow is gone now ;_; I made snow-dinos though ^-^ )
Theeeen you'd freak everyone out X3
(Suuuure? ;P Who knows, your biggest desire might be to fall on the ground, or get eaten by birds, so you can spout as an all new orange tree :3 )
Aye; global warming doesn't exist! Austria has proof. That will be the day when it hits the news headlines. xD (Awr-maybe next year? ;3)
Then I'd bake them cookies and they'd forget and be happy. >;D
(Noooooo, I'm sure the orange would want to be eaten. It's whole life was meant for it to be eaten by mwa. Mwa-hahaha!! xB)
Oh, Austria has its way to get into the news ;P Especially Carinthia!
(Aye, next year ^-^ As long as we don't have too much global warming ^^; )
Yesh yes, that'd work ^-^ Unless your cookies turn out all hard and dry, then they'll remember it even more ;3
(Mwa-hahaha? ;P Like .. you-hahaha and he/she/it-hahaha? ;3 I can just picture that orange waiting its entire life to be eaten by you. "Mommy, am I ripe already? I wanna be eaten!")
Aye, that's true! xD
{Maybe Austria will get buried under snow? O:}
But they wouldn't, because I'd spray them with water. So, no brittle cookies. -shakes finger-
{No, silly. Like Hahahahah! But with an ebil side to it. :B The orange probably even ran away from home just to be eaten. xD}
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