Lol, Toby's expression is so adorbal, looks like he's just kind of dazing off (I think that's the right term ^^;) and looking around at nothing in particular... But with the raised eyebrows and parted eyes (At least a lot more parted than I usually see animals have) it just makes him look all precious like. ^^ Awesome work on his furry stomach too, looks very wet, good job (At least I'm guessing that's what you were attempting to do).
Very nice cross hatching and lineage work for the rock and sky too. Even though, for the sky, it might have looked nicer if the lines were going across in the opposite direction so they'd look like lines of light shining down from the sun instead, since it's more yellow on the left side... but ah well. I hope that made sense. x.x
Delightful picture overall Mister Tobers, it certain has a bright warmish morning feeling to it... well done. :D