LOL! This is ~tobyf and Lolly! Tobias is plucking rose thorns out of Lollys tongue X3 You see, Tobias gave Lolly some roses for valentines day...and Lolly ate them...and got thorns in her mouth.....and..yeah.. >__o They're in a bathroom.....
..erm..I know there is MANY mistakes in this picture....but I will still listen to any critic statments this may get :3
I've spent around a day or two to work on this since I'm a lazy bum!
Hey looky! A tiolet!
This was a PAIN to color in Open Canvas *growls* The background was the worst the way, this bathroom is similar to mine
And in the back of Lolly and Tobais, it's a mirror, in case you get confuzzled X3 AND that blue thing by Tobyf's head is a sweatdrop..I know I messed it up
I hope you all like! Thanks a bunch for any comments this piccy may get
The moral of this picture? DONT EAT ROSES WITH THORNS!!!! .__o