Fan-Art for Nishi Comments: 15 Views: 10819
Hot Blooded
(by Tobias , Sep 22, 2005 )
This is what happens when the fire-flowers in Super Mario catch a cold ^^
I can't really draw Yoshies too well, for some reason I always seem to mess up on their muzzles. So, while it might look bearable here, it's a big deal for me ^^;
Nishi is copyright himself.
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Hot Blooded - Comments
The concept is SO CUTE! I would have NEVER thought you'd ever come up like something like this, mario, no offense, I just never expected you to make something like this up. Awww! Look at the eggs! Have you ever played yoshi's story? The eggs would follow you, and bump along, which is what that hyper egg reminded me of X3 aw...those poor mushrooms, I hope Yoshi doesn't eat them... X33333 I love the background it's so...Mario-ish! XD Nicely done! *glomp*
Hehe, nope, I've never played Yoshi's Story, buut from what I've heard it's really cute and fun to play ;3 Kind of makes me want to try it, I tell you ^^; I did play Yoshi's Island though, and found it kind of tough at times, buut that's just me ^-^
Nooot sure whether that Yoshi's going to eat those mushrooms (I think only Mario gets bigger from them), you'd have to ask Nishi to find out X3 Anyhow, glad you like it, and yush, I was aiming at it to look at least a little Mario like, sooo I'm glad it worked for you ^-^
*giggles* Imagine you'd have eggs following you whereever you go .. and maybe one of them being hyper too >3
Flowers sneezing? Your mind is overflowing with creative thoughts! =P I'd better be careful around sneezers now that you've reminded me; I wouldn't want that to happen! XD Nishi sure is happy for some reason. (Cooked mushrooms? Lunch time!) The flower's face is really done well; how can you not forgive that innocent face??
Hehe, I have nooo idea where I got that from - but just imagine it happened .. you were playing Super Mario (maybe on your last life too), and suddenly you spot a fireflower, but right before you can reach it, it sneezes on you with its fire-breath .. I mean, it'd be fun, just imagining the faces of the players X3
Aaanyhow, thanks for your comment, it's much appreciated ^-^
Poor mushrooms. I hope their not too crisp and burnt. D;
Phiyrr is a secret Mario mushroom fan.
Also, poor flower. I bet it didn't have a tissue. Maybe make fire-resistant hankies, like the water-resistant silk? Certainly a hug to show that you don't mind would brighten the fire-flowers embarrasment. Though the eggs seem a bit too happy? XD
You should name the fire flower Daisy. <3
Wow, your style changed. Its' got more lineart, and the background is more cartoonish. This kinda makes the picture less soft and more pronounced. Also, the shading is almost not visible, making an almost realistic effect in a different world. Maybe it's to fit the Mario theme, eh? ^-^
Besides, the Nishi's muzzle looks great, it's not messed up at all. :D
Ahaha, aww, Toby! What an honor, I'm just sorry it took so long for me to discover this! ;O; It's perfect though! The classic Nintendo background style, the emotional mushroos with their confused and smirk-tastic expressions, the cute little egg critters (Now with eyes!) that follow you where ever you go! Ooh, and both types of hills in the background too! You've really got all of it down. X3
And I love the concept too! At first I thought Nishi sneezed (Or burped... in Super Mario World whenever yoshies ate a red koopa they could spit fire from their mouth upon demand), but the text above him and the worried look on the flower (As well as your text down below :B) made me realize the real idea, which was even better. X3
Aww, and Nishi actually looks like a dinosaur! With the lower, hanging arms, chicken/anthro leg structure, the cute little tail! I don't see anything wrong with the muzzel either, I love it just as it is. :3 And hurraw for no saddle either! (Freeeeeeeeedooom~)
Wonderful, wonderful piece, Mr. T! I love it to bits and pieces, way too cute. X3 You always know how to pull off these things so well, and you always know how to be waaay kind to a friend muchly too! :3
And as far as Yoshies getting mushrooms go, during Mario Party it helps them get an extra dice to roll... otherwise it's best to just left the plumber deal with them. :B
Hehe, dooon't worry, I knew you'd see it eventually, soo I found no need to rush or anything ;3 And I'm glad you like it, that's for sure ^-^
Oh yes, I remember Super Mario World, even though I liked the blue ones the most, since if you ate one, you could just fly across half of the level (provided yoshi didn't swallow it, which it eventually did <.< ). Soo no matter what dangers were below, you could fly (more or less) safely over them and usually even discover a hidden passage ;3
Yay, freedom for Nishi! ^-^ A saddle would look odd, really .. I mean, there's no Mario anywhere near that could be riding on you, and I'm not even sure whether Nishi would let Mario ride on him anyway X3
Yush, leave it all to the plumper. Heh, did you ever think Mario games might contain sliiight references to drugs or something? I mean, Mario eats a poisionous mushroom (the ones with the white spots on the red cap are actually pretty harmful and lead to hallucinations) and suddenly he gets twiiiiice as big .. or, he eats a flower, and suddenly he can shoot fireballs out of his hands .. sounds fishy, no? <.<; (not to mention what happens to him when he snatches that star-shaped something from the ground ;P )
Aww, you're always so very much like that! Whether it's a subscription or a piece of art, you don't go out of your way and bother others to notice... even though it's not at all a bother for us. :3 Quite impressive, not to forget, honorable as well!
Ahaha, blue is always the favorite color, so it must also have the favorited action. :B I'll have to take you for a ride with such help one day! :D That surely wouldn't be your everyday spectacle...
;O; Maaaaybe I could carry him... I think he may be a bit heavy though, it doesn't seem like modern day yoshies get much practice when it comes to having someone ride them like a horse... Oh the poor generation!
Ahaha, no wonder shirts like
this seem to be found so often today... there are a lot of items that make you wonder... I like the hallucination explanation! :) Either way, hanging around with dinosaurs and mushrooms (Not just items, but with friends and enemies that look like them too!) sure must brighten up a day for an overweight plumber. Perhaps drugs are to blame... or thank? D:
What oh what were they thinking. X.x;
yoshi's muzzle looks just fine, great job on the pic, a bit humurous too.
Thank you ^-^ For some reason I always have troubles with Yoshi's muzzles, since either they're too small, too long, or too big so we can't really see over it - it's tough to get it just right ^^;
Take care ^-^
Haha,that's awesome, really nice concept. I'd say you did a fair job on the yoshi :)
Thank you ^-^ I still have troubles drawing in that particular style, buuuut I'm sure glad you like it :3
Thanks for your comment!
Practice makes perfect man, remember that ;)
the picture looks very cute